lundi 20 juin 2011

Comedian leaks oil on Sideshow Freaks forum!

Comedian leaking oil  pic from Oscar_the_Gungan on the Sideshow Freaks forum!
Thanks mate.

Spread the word on every websites, blogs, forums.
Inform your fellow collectors. Point them towards this blog.

Contact HOT TOYS customer service with pics of your figure :

Send pictures of your oily/melted figure, i will post them :

1 commentaire:

  1. I too have a complaint about HT... I recently bought an HT Truetype Figure (Muscular body). Since it's nude, I dressed it up with a brand-new, expensive soldier shirt made of cotton. Next thing I know, the rubber skin got stained so much it made the toy looked as if it contracted a skin disease! No matter what I do, I couldn't erase it. What kind of a rubber is that?!
